I was a Rescued Dog who is now a Therapy (Kindness) Dog

I was adopted by Ellen and Loren when I was around 2 years old. My past is a mystery except that we know I had 7 puppies and I had been in 3 different foster homes without being adopted.

I couldn’t control myself back then; I barked and lunged at every person, dog, and bicycle that I saw. I can’t explain why. I think I was just very anxious and maybe even a little bit angry. I couldn’t go anywhere without behaving badly.

But then I got good love and training. I did a lot of work and took the time I needed to become better and learned how to be much calmer. Loren and Ellen took me everywhere all the time so I could get comfortable with myself, with other dogs, and with people.

Now I’m much more peaceful. I even went out with Loren and Ellen to the patio of a fancy restaurant and sat right next to them on the bench through their anniversary dinner! Every day now, wherever I go and whoever I meet, it’s a sweet new adventure.

Because of the help I got, and my good learning, I passed the Therapy Dog test so I could meet and visit with you!

I’m proud of my story: I was wild and uncivilized before but now I’m dependable, kind, and loving, so I can have joy in making many new friends.

And here’s my favorite part: I started my life as dog who needed lots of help from people but now I get to be a dog who can give help to people!